The Acquisition of Treasury Strategies by Novantas
Posted on June 2, 2016
As the new month of June began yesterday, Novantas. Inc made the announcement that it had obtained the Treasury Strategies, Inc based in Chicago. The acquired firm is one of the top ranking consultants in both banks and treasury functions for corporate bodies. It mainly specializes in liquidity and solutions on issues concerning payment for a number of corporations and commercial banks in the United States. Many corporate bodies, including legislators, banking executives, regulators, treasurers, and the press has benefited from the advice of the Treasure strategies for a period of over thirty years.
The acquisition gives Novantas,Inc an enhancement in its efforts to be the number one company regarding revenue management. Because Treasury strategies, Inc have a track record of over thirty years in the market, the transaction enhances the portfolio of Novantas,Inc and gives it a platform to be the leading enterprise in merger and acquisition, corporate advisory and general service to the community. More technological solutions as well as analytical services that will be well appreciated by many shall emerge from the transaction.
One of the Treasure Strategies’ senior partners, Tony Carfang, has appeared in Senate and other congress meetings testifying about the importance of legislation and regulatory actions on the commercial banking sector. The Dodd-Frank economy is widely known as the effort and strategy of the Treasury Strategies, Inc. David Kaytes, one of the Co-CEO of Novantas, expressed his excitement on the business transaction and pointed out that the expertise, client service and analytical focus of Treasury Strategies match those of Novantas therefore the merge will only enhance client services.
Cathy Greggg, the Treasury Strategies’ senior partner also said that Novantas and Treasury Strategies make a formidable team of over 200 professionals who have experience and expertise in the corporate treasury industry as well the banking sector. She went on to say that she looks forward to combining the capital, Company product line and expertise of Novantas and the models and technologies offered by Treasury Strategies to corporate treasurers and banking executives.
Novantas, Inc., has been adopted as the name of the Company with the Treasury Strategies being a brand in the business line of corporate advisory. Cathy Gregg, Tony Carfang and Dave Robinson, all partners of Treasury Strategies, will take on the role of Managing Directors of the new Company, Novantas, Inc. Office locations of both Novantas and Treasury Strategies situated in Chicago will be combined as one facility with the complete integration of the two companies expected to be completed by end of June, 2016.
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